This page contains various sample projects that use Robot.js in business applications.
For a complete walk-through see the User Guide. Note: you can not load the index.html page from your local file system, see Ad-hoc Static Servers for 1-liner localhost options.
A straightforward sample that contains a workflow and a webpage that interacts with it.
Microsoft Office is one of the most popular productivity tools in the Enterprise today. In this section you'll find two sample Office Extensions that use Robot.js to trigger a UiPath process right from where you already do your work. Each sample comes with a README file with instructions on how to get started. For more info about how to adopt and extend these, check out the Office Add-ins platform overview.
An Outlook extension that allows starting UiPath processes right from your email client.
An Excel extension that starts a process with an input argument that contains the user's currently selected range in the spreadsheet.